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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Dawdling Along the Rim Trail #1

Old sign at the trailhead
Dr. K, Becca and I got an early start this morning on the Rim Trail section #1, and we spent over 2 1/2 hours inspecting the natural world just under 9,000 feet in the Sacramento Mountains.  I took 155 photos along the way; thank god for digital media.  Some of the images worth keeping appear here.  Any photographers out there remember the days of taking shots before digital cameras were invented?  Do you recall how judicious you had to be in deciding whether to depress that shutter release or not?
Green meadow

Detour ahead

Enthusiastic trekker on the Rim Trail

Maple leaves among others

View from the Rim Trail

Mountain Patchnose Snake?

Mountain Patchnose?

Down the Rim Trail

Clouds shredded by the wind

Western Chokecherry

View of White Sands from the Rim Trail

View of Becca on the Rim Trail

X marks the spot

Shadow and the light on the Rim Trail

Sierra Blanca Peak (11,973 feet)

Looking down at high peaks

Astronomy in the Sacramentos
Headed back

A last look at Sierra Blanca

A mess of trees

Molecule plant?

Becca and Dr. K

Becca and Packrat

Hug on the trail

Sun through the pine

Wild Rose starting to blossom

Pine et al.

Who's allowed here

Lots of logging going on

This huge pine looked to have been struck by lightning


Can't be bothered IDing this beauty

Back to the roadblock

Red Columbine


Dr. K said...

I'm glad you can take photos digitally because so many of them are so good. It was another great hike in the Sacramento Mountains.

packrat said...

Remember the number of times I carried my old Nikon SLR (and assorted lenses)--combined weight the equivalent of a bowling ball--into the Grand Canyon on backpacking trips, Dr. K?

Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...