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Friday, May 27, 2016

The Perfumed Young

Hiking along Tortugas Mountain's west slope
When Becca and I were about half a mile from our car on the inbound leg of our morning hike a group of seven young people rounded a corner headed our way.  Becca and I stepped to the side of the trail as they passed.  The young man in the lead said hello, and the six young women smiled and greeted us.  They all were very friendly.  One of them had music playing fairly loudly, and the group smelled as if they had liberally used perfume before heading out on their nature hike.  I'm always happy to see young people out enjoying the natural world, but I do wonder why so many of them believe they need to have music for entertainment; and why on earth wear perfume in the great outdoors when the only thing you're going to attract is insects?
Following the single-track to the high foothills

Devil's Head with withered flower

Having reached the high foothills

A jungle of Ocotillos all over the mountain

In the low desert once more

Headed for a major arroyo

Soaptree Yucca still in bloom

Soaptree Yucca

Soaptree Yucca

Becca in an arroyo

Prickly Pear Cactus blossoming again

Large arroyo west of Tortugas Mountain

Becca way up ahead in the arroyo

Another Prickly Pear flower

How tall is an Ocotillo?

Ocotillos west of the mountains


Meep Meep

A sea of Ocotillos between here and the Organ Mountains

Ocotillos budding out again

White-winged Dove eating Ocotillo buds

How about that blue eyeshadow?

Ocotillo buds

Not much shade for a break

Ocotillo flower

Strawberry Pitaya blossoming once more

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos, Packrat. I especially like the ones of the prickly pear cactus flowers. Such a beautiful pinkish color.

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