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Friday, July 15, 2016

Smoky Haze

On the single-track
It was unusually hazy in the desert this morning, and I suspect it's because of the forest fire burning in Timberon, a small community in the Sacramento Mountains.  Although the fire has burned just under 300 acres it has been particularly destructive, as you'll see if you copy and paste the following link into your browser.
Leader of the pack

The smoky haze referred to in the blog title

This haze may be from the fire in Timberon

Devil's Claw

Shades of Roswell

Desert Cottontail

Our buddy Gregg high on the mountain road

A young Coachwhip Snake in a rodent hole

These Prickly Pears are ripening

These Prickly Pears are ripe

Young Gambel's Quail at our waterhole

Mama quail having a drink

The side of our yard facing the arroyo

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

A lot of critters moving about this morning.

Nest Building

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