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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Aroma of Angel Food Cake

Here comes the sun little darling
About a mile into our hike this morning Becca and I were engulfed by a powerful smell that bizarrely reminded me of the aroma of baking Angel Food Cake.  Just yesterday we smelled the odor of manure (probably wafting in from the local agricultural college), and we have occasionally--but rarely--caught a whiff of that before.  This aroma was so strong, though, that it still lingered in the air an hour and a half later when we got home.  I had Dr. K come out to sample it; she said it smelled like something burning, and wondered whether any of the local pecan farmers were burning wood.  I was curious about whether it might be some sort of chemical because some chemicals have a sweet odor.  If nothing about the aroma appears in the news it will undoubtedly remain a mystery.
Can only linger in the shadow for so long

Into it

I "heart" Prickly Pear Cacti

Hummer getting nectar

A short break

Nothing to see here

Time to fly

The depth of narcissism

Becca at the Ocotillo forest


Swainson's Hawk

Swainson's Hawk

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Very ingenious photo of your reflection in your sunglasses, Packrat.

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