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Thursday, July 7, 2016

Daydreaming in the Desert

Falls into the category of "Things you don't expect to see in the desert"
On two separate occasions during our hike this morning both Becca and I were startled by a native critter.  I can't say Becca was daydreaming when it happened to her, but I was.  (Tip:  it's not wise to daydream while hiking in the desert.)  In my case I was on the trail ahead of the Beckster when something dashed right in front of me.  Fortunately it was only a large Horned Lizard; nevertheless, it gave me quite a start.  Later, Becca was ahead of me on the trail when I saw her make a sudden detour to the right, and I caught sight of a snake slithering away.  Luckily it was only a Big Bend Patchnose Snake hunting its breakfast.  I was able to photograph the snake before it disappeared into a rodent hole.  Note to self:  remain in the here-and-now while trekking through the Chihuahuan Desert.
City of Las Cruces from the upper foothills trail

A very large Torrey Yucca

Spanish Bayonets and sky

In the upper foothills

Just west of the Tortoise

An idea of just how many Ocotillos grow here

Collared Lizard

The noble hound takes a shade break

What a doll!

Bishop Cap on the far horizon

Buggy Whips in blossom again

A Black-tailed Jackrabbit does . . .

. . . coy

Desert flora and sky

Nipple Beehive Cactus budding again

Hope to see the Nipple Beehive bloom this time

Horned Lizard

Aka "horny toad"

Big Bend Patchnose Snake

Rearing up before disappearing into a hole

Dead Century Plant (Buddha?)

Live Century Plants (aka Maguey) can grow to 15 or 20 feet

Collared Lizard on a railroad tie in our yard


Dr. K said...

To me, that dead century plant looks like Yoda.

packrat said...


I see what you mean, Dr. K.

Scott said...

I see Yoda, too.

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...