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Friday, July 1, 2016

Sprinkled On

Century Plant in a nearby neighborhood (full-size pine trees below)
Becca and I pulled into the parking area on the west side of Tortugas at 7 a.m., just as our buddy Gregg was getting out of his car.  He usually starts his hike much later, so I said, "What are you doing here so early?"  He pointed south to the overcast sky and said, "Rain is heading our way in a few hours."  He wanted to get his trek in before getting wet.  He, Becca and I hiked a mile or so of the first leg together before parting company.  Since Becca and I were in the outback for several hours we did manage to get rained upon during the last leg of our trek, but the precipitation came down as only a light sprinkle so we didn't mind.  In fact, it felt quite refreshing to get sprinkled on during the summer in the northern Chihuahuan Desert.
Large plates of flowers for insects and birds

Headed up toward a threatening sky

Heavy overcast

Mockingbird mocking us from a Torrey Yucca

Sunshine Lane

A little brighter on the far horizon

Organ Mountains

Road around Tortugas

Up a soon-to-be-damp arroyo

A bit more dynamic

Same Ocotillo, different perspective

Ocotillos in the hills west of the mountains

Graceful Buggy Whip wands

Digging the desert

Top view of a Barrel Cactus

Closing in again

I'm guessing juvenile Bullock's Oriole

Young Bullock's Oriole

Fruit of the Red Yucca in our yard


Dr. K said...

That Bullock's Oriole is very cute. Looks like it's just a chick.

packrat said...

It is cute, isn't it, Dr. K. :)

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...