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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Dromedary or Bactrian Day?

Echinocereus horizonthalonius (aka "Horse Crippler," or "Devil's Head")
Whichever virus Dr. K picked up on her trip to San Francisco she gave to me; now that she's almost recovered I'm feeling under the weather.  Being under the weather while hiking in the desert in summertime is a double whammy; I felt like I had a fever even though I didn't have one.  Becca and I took a long trek nonetheless, and she certainly enjoyed herself even though I didn't appreciate the outing quite as much.
Part of Centennial High School, Las Cruces

Roadrunner hunting for breakfast

Up on the plateau


Breaking into sunlight in the high foothills

Pretty lush for the Chihuahuan Desert

Well-deserved break

These mountain bikers were first through after the storm

On the way back

Distant desert hikers


Dr. K said...

Nice photos, Packrat, even though you didn't feel well.

packrat said...

Thanks, Dr. K. :)

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...