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Saturday, July 30, 2016


Early encounter with a large serpent
Just as soon as we got started on our hike this morning Becca spotted a large serpent just to the side of the trail.  It was a 4 1/2-foot Gopher Snake who was very aware of our presence.  It didn't seem perturbed by us, but it was definitely cautious, and immediately began moving away at a slow but steady pace.  As we turned to resume our trek I saw a woman coming our way with two dogs.  At first I considered warning her about the snake--just so she wouldn't be startled by the sight of it--but then I realized the serpent would be well off the trail by the time they arrived.  
4 1/2-foot Gopher Snake

Becca spotted it first

It was in a hurry to get away from us

Odd-colored Horned Lizard

Scramble through the brambles

On the road heading west

Keeping an eye on people climbing the mountain

Gap in the Organ Mountains

For those who believe the desert is barren

Large arroyo west of the mountain

Heading back to Tortugas

The cloud and the depression have something in common

Striking back up the western flank

Mountain biker coming up the hard way

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The desert is anything but barren. You just have to know how to look.

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