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Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Things You See

From a distance we saw this guy riding a recumbent bike
As we were headed around Tortugas Mountain early this morning, Dr. K, Becca and I spotted a guy on a recumbent bike driving along a dirt road below.  After we did a moderately-long hike west of the mountain we ran into the biker on our return trip.  I asked if he minded me taking a photo of him on his ride because I had never seen a recumbent mountain bike.  We chatted with him for a brief time while Becca examined the bike suspiciously.  The man laughed, saying, "Dogs don't generally know what to make of this contraption."  I asked if it was a regular recumbent bike adapted for desert conditions, but he said it wasn't; he had actually ordered the bike from England because he thought it would be perfect for riding in the northern Chihuahuan Desert.  Dr. K and I were impressed by the vehicle, but Becca forgot all about it as soon as she found a new bush to smell.
Devil's Head (aka "Horse Crippler")

View from behind Tortugas Mountain

Looking upslope

Rocky territory

Becca and Dr. K at the rock shelter

Across the desert to the Organ Mountains

The rock shelter is in shadow at the deep cut

Ocotillos grow all over the southern slope

Becca and Packrat behind the mountain

Distant view of Tortugas Mountain from the west

On the way back we ran into the recumbent biker

Turns out he's a recumbent mountain biker


Dr. K said...

I never imagined there was such a thing as a recumbent mountain bike--very interesting. It looked like riding it could be a lot of fun.

packrat said...

I think it would be a fun ride, Dr. K.

Nest Building

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