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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Birds of a Feather

Giant rocks on the Monte Vista side of the mountain
Dr. K, Becca and I did our normally-long hike around Tortugas Mountain this morning, starting out at the Monte Vista parking area.  There were no cars in the lot when we began, nor were there any when we ended our trek.  We did see one runner in the distance just as we headed behind the mountain, and on our return we encountered a man walking his dog (which looked part Pit Bull) on a leash.  It was cooler out in the desert this morning, but much more humid.  We were comfortable for about two-thirds of the way because of a persistent breeze, but it disappeared after that and we felt rather warm during the final leg of our outing.
Enormous rock outcrop

Slightly different perspective

On the loop road behind the mountain

This way to the other side

Hedgehogs, Ocotillos and Yuccas

Looking upslope behind Tortugas

Flora-studded foothills

Flank of Tortugas (left) and the Organ Mountains

Finches on Torrey Yucca

Eating the fruit of the yucca

Future dispensers of yucca seeds?

Far point of today's trek

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Neat photo of the finches on the torrey yucca.

Nest Building

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