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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The One Hundreds

Enjoying the shadow
We're into the second day of triple digits (103F at our place yesterday), and it already felt pretty hot when Becca and I did a semi-long trek into the outback west of Tortugas Mountain this morning.  On the way back we ran into our buddy Jimmy, and he and I stood talking for about twenty minutes until the Beckster decided it was time to move along.  Didn't see anything spectacular to photograph today, which is a good thing because I wasn't much in the mood for photography.
Breaking into sunlight

Going to get pretty toasty soon

If I turn 90% to the right, this vantage point . . .

. . . is where light meets shadow on the slope in this image

On the horizon:  the Organ Mountains

Heading west on a long dirt road

Ocotillo bloom

There's a jet winging across the sky in this shot

Flank of Tortugas (left) and the Organs

We've just descended this trail from the high foothills

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

You might not have been in the mood, Packrat, but you still go some nice photos.

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