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Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Shortcut to Salado

Almost centered
This morning Dr. K and I finally got around to hiking the new shortcut trail (T-129) from a parking area along Fresnal Canyon Road steeply down to the Salado Canyon Trail and over to Bridal Veil Falls.  The shortcut takes about ten minutes, and is probably a quarter-mile in length.

It was a beautiful day for trekking in the high desert, and the trees along the creek and near the falls were filled with color.  We explored the old homestead near the falls, climbing steps onto the property and looking inside the house.  I need to do some research to learn the history of that place.

We didn't bump into anybody during our exploration, but on the way back to the shortcut trail we did spot a few other hikers making their way toward the falls.  The hike up to Whitey the CR-V was steep, but definitely a good cardiovascular workout.

As we were driving back I spotted George and his dog, Ben, out in the front yard of their property on Cottage Row.  George is a former professor from New Mexico State University who bought the old Hotel High Rolls as a residence and has been upgrading it for years.  He's a good friend of my pal Jimmy who knows him from the university.  I met George once before, but I wanted Dr. K to meet him and Ben, the latter a Mastiff/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix.  George kindly gave us a tour of the inside of his place as well as the outside, detailing the history of the hotel and the neighborhood.  It was a fascinating lesson in local history.  Both Dr. K and I came away glad that we had stopped to talk with George, and I especially enjoyed interacting with Ben.

When we got back to the cabin we did a few small chores, including covering the outdoor faucets with insulated cups and covering the air conditioner with a canvas cover; getting ready for coming cold temperatures.
Coming down the shortcut trail above Salado Canyon

Closer look

Section of the shortcut trail heading down

Salado Canyon Trail

Shortcut trail (T-129) up to Fresnal Canyon Road parking area

Losing petals

How long ago did this wash down canyon?

Riparian area along Salado Creek

Salado Creek


This and the next:  heading toward Bridal Veil Falls

Stunted Indian Paintbrush?

Getting closer to the falls

This and the next 2:  fall color in the high desert

Bending toward the falls

Sign near the falls

Cattails growing near the falls

This and the next 2:  pools of water from the falls

Dr. K near the ramada at the falls

Cottonwoods growing along the banks of Salado Creek

This and the next:  old homestead across the creek from the falls

Colorful trees near the falls

Salado Creek


Headed down the Salado Canyon Trail to do more exploring

Salado Canyon Trail

Deep chasm where the creek runs

Wooly Paperflowers

Indian Paintbrush and Wooly Paperflowers

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Such nice photos, Packrat. I really like the ones of the reflections in the pools of water. It was kind of eerie to see so close-up the abandoned cabin close to Salado Creek.

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