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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Back Down Low

Clouds at start
My early morning hike west of Tortugas Mountain was made interesting by three people and a dog:  Renee and Rayo (canine), Jimmy and Raymond.  I got to pet Rayo while chatting with Renee briefly.  After they left to finish their trek I bumped into my pal Jimmy on the mountain road.  He and I were talking when our friend Raymond approached.  Raymond couldn't talk, though, because he was pressed for time.

Jimmy and I palavered for quite a spell during which he informed me that he'd already bought my Kindle ebook before I had a chance to send him a link to it on Amazon.  That was really a kind gesture, but I felt guilty he had to pay for it.  If he decides to read the novel I hope he'll feel as if he got his money's worth.

After I returned home I had to leave for the weekly shopping trip to Target and Albertsons, a chore I didn't seem to mind too much today.  Give it a week, though, and I'll be griping about having to do it again.

Shadow of Tortugas

Probably contrails

Black-tailed Jackrabbit

Trail to the road

Deep gully on Tortugas's west side

Outer loop road

House Finch

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice photo of the black-tailed jackrabbit that is lit up by the early morning light.

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