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Monday, October 28, 2019

Hike With a Grand View

Wooly Paperflower
Dr. K and I got a very early start on a morning hike on the Grand View Trail.  Although it wasn't too cold, there was a stiff wind and very little sun to take the edge off the chill.  We were appropriately dressed, though, so we were warm enough for a short 1 1/2-hour trek.

The only person we saw out there was an Asian woman who was finishing just as we were starting off.  After that we had the entire trail to ourselves; we didn't even hear any vehicles going down or coming up Fresnal Canyon Road.

After the hike we returned to the cabin to finish packing for our trip back to the lower desert, where it's also very windy.
Cloud cover and wind this morning

Long view to the San Andres Mountains

Indian Paintbrush

Buckwheat and Soaptree Yucca leaves

Cool and cloudy

Looking toward White Sands

White Sands in shadow

Indian Paintbrush again

Buckwheat and Paintbrush

Four-wing Saltbush

This and the next:  yellow flowers :)

Headed back to the trailhead


Making the bend on the final stretch

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos of the flowers that are still blooming on the Grand View trail.

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