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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Bushwhack Deluxe

This and the next:  Cactus Wren on a Barrel Cactus
When I started hiking early this morning I definitely wasn't going to do any bushwhacking, but it was chilly (42F) in the shadow of the mountain so I struck west until I reached the sunlight.  From there it was simply a matter of following my photographic instincts and moving from prospective image to image until I found myself far into the outback.

Although there were other outdoor enthusiasts on and about Tortugas I didn't bump into anybody until I was heading back to the mountain.  A runner who came up from behind me, and who had, apparently, seen me during part of my peregrination, said, "Wow--I saw you hiking way out to the west.  There's nothing out there."  I said, "You'd be surprised."

The best encounter came while I was trekking north on the outer loop road.  Ahead of me I saw two young women heading my way, a beautiful white and tan dog leading the way.  The dog wanted to hurry forward, but I could see one woman calling him back, commands he obeyed perfectly.  When they all were within earshot, I said to the woman in front, "It's okay--I love dogs."  When he passed me, I said, "Hello."  He acknowledged my greeting without slowing down.  To the women I said, "He's a real beauty."  Both of them smiled and said, "Good morning" simultaneously.  The dog was the highlight of my trek.

This and the next:  same Black-tailed Jackrabbit

Where the arroyo forks

Study in B&W

Leaning Tower of Barrel Cactus (about 3 feet high)

Soaptree Yuccas

Desert rising to the east

Tasajillo (aka "Pencil Cholla") bearing fruit

Graceful yucca

Cresting a hill west of the mountains

The long view to Tortugas and the Organ Mountains

Closer in

Clouds make interesting shadows across the desert floor

Wild Ocotillo

Shinto Soaptree

Barrel Cactus and Prickly Pear

This and the next 3:  huge Ocotillo west of the mountain

House Finch house party

House Finch (male)

Barrel Cacti and towering Torrey Yucca

Very tall Torrey Yucca

Soaptree Yucca and yellowing Ocotillos

This and the next:  Ocotillos west of the mountain

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the photo "House Finch House Party." Very funny!

Behind the Cabin

Early early morning in the Sacramentos Strenuous hike behind the cabin this morning.  We were going to head for even higher ground to do a s...