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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Autumn Paints the Ocotillos

Just getting started west of Tortugas
I got a fairly early start on a hike west of Tortugas Mountain this morning on a cooler and slightly less cloudy day.  Despite having to run several errands after my trek I stayed out there for almost two hours.

I ended up exploring a few arroyos I'd been in fairly recently, but arroyos are always fun places to wander through.  For one thing it's possible to identify the footprints of animals that make their way along these sandy thoroughfares.

After my outing I returned home to shower and head out to Target and Albertsons.  While I was inside the latter doing some grocery shopping I got a call from Jeff at Bogart's informing me that the rodents had done considerable damage inside the engine compartment of the Jeep Commander, including chewing through some wires in the fuel injector harness.  The vehicle won't be repaired for several days because parts have to be ordered.  Rats!!
Part of Las Cruces (barn at right is at the Farm & Ranch Museum)

Trail up the west side

Picacho Peak in sunlight

Those clouds

Road leading to a narrow arroyo


The narrow arroyo broadens through here

View toward Bishop Cap

Northwest of Tortugas and the Organs

Medusa of Ocotillos

Wide arroyo west of the mountain

A tall Soaptree Yucca

This and the next 4:  House Finches in the above Soaptree Yucca

Soaptree Yucca otra vez

Tortugas and the Organ Mountains

This and the next 2:  autumn colors the Ocotillos

This and the next:  Loggerhead Shrike

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Amazing photos of the house finches on the dried yucca pods.

Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...