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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Bushwhacking Alone

This and the next:  Barrel Cactus with a healthy crop of fruit
I got off the beaten path and did some serious bushwhacking in the desert west of Tortugas Mountain this morning, and I felt very alone being out there without my favorite hiking companion; Becca loved exploring those places with me.  She was a true desert dog.

On my way back in, when I had gotten back on the beaten path, I ran into Jimmy who was climbing the mountain road.  We each made a slight detour so we could stand for a while and chat about this and that.  He told me he had bumped into our pal Raymond, with whom I had hiked on the first leg of my trek earlier.

While Jimmy and I talked several people passed up and down the road to the mountaintop, and one guy approached on the single-track trail we were on, his Mexican music playing fairly loudly from his audio equipment.  He asked if we'd seen any wildlife and then told us he'd encountered a large Mule Deer buck at the top of Tortugas.

Extended family of Torrey Yuccas

Road west

In an arroyo west of the mountain

A huge Ocotillo--at least 20 feet tall

Soaptree Yuccas and an enormous Torrey Yucca

Rolling hills west of the mountain

Exploring the arroyo

Desert flora on a steep bank

Trekked pretty close to this ancient Torrey Yucca

This and the next 3:  headed west out of this arroyo

Two Hedgehog Cacti and a Barrel

Ocotillos west of the mountain

Across the rugged desert to Tortugas and the Organ Mountains

Forest of Ocotillos west of Tortugas Mountain

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice to see that some of the ocotillos are still greenish, even thought it's now autumn.

Gary Larson Day

Organ Mountains We spotted the cows almost from the moment we started our hike this morning; there were four walking along LDR from south to...