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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Again Low to High

A long look to the southwest
Did an early, moderately long hike west of the mountain this morning and, thankfully, I was properly dressed for the chilly conditions.  It was in the high 40s when I started off, and the brisk wind made it feel colder than that.

Ran into my friend Jimmy on the inbound leg, and he and I talked for about fifteen minutes or so before I had to cut our conversation short; I had to get back home, finish packing and do a few other things in prepartion for our trip to the high county, where Dr. K and I am now.

Very brisk up here:  high of 50F with a predicted low of 25F  I've already turned on the pumphouse heater to ward off the cold.
Deep arroyo just west of the mountain

Big old Torrey Yucca

Someone's watching me

Hangers-on:  leaves on a small Ocotillo

How to salvage a bad photo?

Cholla fruit

A look up Haynes Canyon

Dr. K

Our high elevation pumphouse

Another view of Haynes Canyon

Local color

Three-leaf Sumac

Leaves of the Three-leaf Sumac

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

A nice photo of the colors of the 3-leaf sumac in our yard up here in the high country.

Sunday's Altered Track

Three wise men have seen better days As soon as Dr. K, Willow and I began descending LDR-A arroyo this morning we spotted Two-White-Dogs-Lad...