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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A Few Days in the Mountains

Moon over the Sacramentos
I explored the forest around our place with Willow and Frio before Dr. K and I packed up for our return trip to the lower Chihuahuan Desert.  We had a fun few days in the Sacramentos this time.

Here in the lower altitude it's hotter today, but not by too much; we're expecting a high of 74F.  I can live with that.

Tomorrow it will be back on desert trails with the Heelers.

Exploring the forest

This and the next 4:  Lacespine Pincushion Cactus

Lacespine is Mammillaria lasiacantha

Willow in the forest



Frio wondering why I'm photographing a rock

I see a penguin charging to the left

Beargrass (Nolina microcarpa)

This and the next:  forest views

Frio in the forest

At first I thought "Townsend's Solitaire," but the beak is long

Our road

Our view

Alongside our driveway


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

What a cute photo of Frio. I also like the photos of the Lacespine Pincushion Cactus.

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