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Saturday, January 8, 2022

Another Arroyo Trek

First 2:  Soaptree Yuccas
Willow, Frio and I did our normal arroyo hike this morning, down the LDR-A, across to the new arroyo, up and down its left branch, and then up and out on the right branch.

The Heelers can only be described as "feisty" today, starting with a close encounter with a brazen jackrabbit who had the gall to sit in the middle of the long dirt road without fleeing.  The critter soon changed its mind, though, when the dogs began to growl and bark in earnest.

On our drive out of the neighborhood before our trek we saw three coyotes sauntering along the road, and I thought we might see them later in the desert, but it was not to be.

Organ Mountains

This & next 2:  Tortugas and the Organ Mountains

Roadrunner at full speed cloud

Same as above

Soaptrees in B&W

Soaptrees and the mountains

Rock with slight depression

Organ Mountains

This & next:  Willow and Frio

Organs again

Odd clouds


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like that roadrunner-at-full-speed cloud!

Behind the Cabin

Early early morning in the Sacramentos Strenuous hike behind the cabin this morning.  We were going to head for even higher ground to do a s...