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Sunday, January 2, 2022

Cold Start and Finish

This & next:  a bit of frost atop the Organ Mountains
25F when we started off this morning; 30F when we finished.  Even though the sun was shining the blowing wind made it feel even colder.  I was appropriately dressed, and I wore gloves and an ear band for much of our hike.

We made our way down the LDR-A arroyo, turned right at the east/west cross trail, headed up the left branch of the new arroyo, went back down to the intersection of the right branch and hiked that wash up into its head and out on the steep hill leading to the upper flatland road.

It was a good trek today.  Fortunately we ran into nobody while we were out there.

Leftovers from the New Year's Eve party

This & next:  more frost on the Organs

Old mesquite seed pod

Frio and Willow heading up an arroyo

Same mesquite seed pod as above

Frosty Organs

Frio & Willow in Right Branch Arroyo

What's Frio staring at?

This is what Frio sees

Heelers leading the way


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like both photos of the old Mesquite seed pod. Nice colors and composition.

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