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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Best January Bushwhack So Far

The long view
Didn't plan on bushwhacking this morning, but we did.  When we reached the point in LDR-A arroyo due west of the "Three Kings" Soaptree Yucca, I decided to bushwhack east across the grassy desert, stopping at the yucca to take a few photos.  After I did Willow got it into her head to continue bushwhacking.

She's an expert at finding animal trails to follow through the grass, and she led Frio and me directly over to Right Branch Arroyo, which we followed north until reaching Left Branch Arroyo.

We trekked up the left branch nearly to its source before turning around.  Willow made it clear she wanted to hike east again across a section of grassy desert to another new arroyo, so Frio and I followed her over.  We explored the new "wash"  for a few minutes before retracing our steps.  When we reached the intersection with Right Branch Arroyo we hiked south up into its source and then exited up the steep hill beside the upper flatland road.

Both dogs were very well behaved today, and that made the new, long exploration with them a pleasant one.

Three Kings is really Five if you count the little one

Chihuahuan Desert flora

To the Organ Mountains

Rolling Hills

Looking north

View from another new arroyo

Torrey Yucca forest

Heading down another new arroyo

Barrel Cactus

Barrel Cactus and Prickly Pear

Frio and Willow leading the bushwhack

Willow and Frio in Right Branch Arroyo


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like your second photo of the three (or five?) kings.

Willow is an intrepid explorer.

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