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Monday, January 10, 2022

Cold Morning, Cold Day

Upper flatland road at start
It was 33F at the start of our hike this morning, 34F at the end--cold enough for me to wear gloves and an ear band throughout the abbreviated trek.  Of course the Heelers didn't mind the inclement conditions; in fact, they were feistier than on previous days.  Willow had her nose to the ground for so long I felt as if I was being led by a Hoover vacuum cleaner.

We did our usual hike, but I shortened it somewhat due to the weather.  After heading two-thirds of the way up Left Branch Arroyo we retraced our steps and caught the right branch, trekking up and out on the steep hill just east of the upper flatland road.

I don't know about Frio and Willow, but I was happy to get inside our CR-V and its shelter from the wind.

Heading down LDR-A

Sky to the west

Tortugas and the Organs

View from LDR-A

View from Left Branch Arroyo

Frio and Willow

Last 2:  long distance views of Tortugas and the Organs


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The first two photos from this morning are especially beautiful, Packrat.

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