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Saturday, January 1, 2022

Blustery New Year's Day

All photos but one are clouds over the Organ Mountains
Really blustery conditions on our morning trek today, and both Heelers were back in action.  Frio's checkup on Thursday afternoon was a good one, the vet sending us away with a seven-day supply of Rimadyl for pain and inflammation.  I'm to monitor him for the next six days to measure his progress, but it already looks pretty promising; seems he probably sprained or strained his leg playing ball.  So ball playing is out for a while, but the vet said I could take him on walks.

Took them down the LDR-A arroyo where we had an unpleasant encounter with a woman and her loose dog "Scoobie."  Scoobie wasn't overly aggressive, but Frio and Willow acted like they wanted to tear him a new one.  I think I'm going to have to seek professional help in learning how to control them because they are just too overly leash aggressive when we bump into other dogs.  Willow, especially, seems to have some deep lying issues with other canines.

No signs of limping after our outing so in that regard it was a successful one.

Two amigos and the shadows of three


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Spectacular photos today, Packrat. I especially like the last two of the dramatic cloud formations.

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