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Sunday, January 9, 2022

Clouds, Glorious Clouds

Rising sun
We did our usual hike this morning on a cloudy, cool day.  Willow and Frio didn't mind.  Although they bolted after one jackrabbit Frio flushed out of a bush just a few feet away, the Heelers were really good.

They were extraordinarily patient with me as I stopped to take numerous photos of unusual clouds I've never seen here before:  striped, parallel clouds that are called Radiatus Clouds.

Apparently these clouds are caused by an oscillation in an air mass that results in clouds being formed at the higher altitude and then dissipating at a slightly lower altitude.  Most dynamic sky I've seen in ages.

Despite the awesome sights we were all glad to get back to the CR-V for the warm ride back home.

Organ Mountains

Tortugas and the Organs

Wild sky

Frio and Willow

Striped clouds caused by Kelvin-Helmholtz instability?

Frio and Willow

Looking north

More striped, parallel clouds

Unusual rock

Way up Right Branch Arroyo

Heelers on alert

The rest:  more unusual clouds


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Wonderful photos of those amazing clouds.

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