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Thursday, August 20, 2015

A Cooler Thursday

About to cross through a steep arroyo
With the breeze crossing over the border into a light wind on occasion this morning the temperature was just right for a long hike--which Becca and I did west of Tortugas Mountain.  We ran into only one person:  a woman with a pale yellow 7-month-old puppy whose picture would undoubtedly be in the margin of The American Heritage Dictionary next to the word "rambunctious."  The round "ball" I spotted in the middle of a bush I at first took for some kind of abandoned bird's nest, but on closer inspection I've decided it looks more like a very old tennis ball a dog might have carried along on its outdoor adventures.
Shades of Roswell

Looking up the steep western slope

Becca spots a woman running with three dogs

Ancient tennis ball?

Undulating desert west of the Tortoise

Why they're called "prickly pears"

Desert Cottontail


Dr. K said...

That cottontail seems poised to take off at any moment.

Scott said...

I kept waiting for a picture of the cute puppy, but it never appeared; I guess the American Heritage folks copyrighted it first!

We had tremendous storms Wednesday evening and again last night (Thursday night). Thursday's storms left water in my basement this morning (and we have to get a LOT of rain to get water in our basement, so I guess we got a lot). Very little change in the heat or humidity, though. Still way too warm and muggy for me.

packrat said...

I would have taken a picture of the puppy, Scott, but the woman seemed slightly embarrassed at her dog's behavior.

Water in the basement is not good. I remember that well from my days back in Ohio. Perhaps your weather will break soon; we are, after all, almost into September.

Becca and I ran into a friend of ours on the trail today (Friday), and he talked about this being one of the most uncomfortable summers he could recall, and he's a native of this area.

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...