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Sunday, August 16, 2015


Garage-sized boulders on Tortugas Mountain's northeast flank
What started off as an uncomfortable hike this morning because of sun, heat and humidity quickly turned bearable for Dr. K, Becca and me due to a substantial bank of clouds that rolled in from the east.  The overcast obscured the blazing sun cooling the ambient temperature by at least ten degrees; combined with a slight breeze the conditions were nearly pleasant for a long trek.  Nevertheless, Dr. K commented several times that she wished we were still in High Rolls.  I echoed that sentiment, my voice boomeranging around the mountain cliffs for several minutes.  (Well, not really.:)
Becca spots people behind us high on the mountain

Young man and young woman (just below center) explore an old mine

White-winged Doves on Ocotillo wands

Where Tortugas and the Organs cross paths (visually speaking)

The expanse of desert behind the mountain

Looking at the Tortoise from the far southwest

Another White-winged Dove

It bugged me when I couldn't ID this insect

When I flipped it over it looked like a beetle

Heading back to the trailhead

The Monte Vista parking lot, Doña Ana Mountains behind

Clouds over Tortugas

Organ Mountains under overcast sky


Dr. K said...

There seemed to be an unusual number of doves that we spotted on the trail.

Scott said...

That is (was?) a beetle that you flipped over on the trail, Packrat. I have a staff members who regales us incessantly with puns--good and bad. You're heading in that direction...

packrat said...

I'm not just headed in that direction, Scott, I've been here for quite a while. I've gone from gale to regale to outright punishment (pun intended).


Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...