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Monday, August 24, 2015

Rain Delay

Greater Roadrunner looking for breakfast
It started raining at 11:30 pm yesterday, and the rain continued throughout the night.  It was still sprinkling this morning, which delayed our trek by about 45 minutes.  We got in a good long one, though, and serendipitously I came across a type of Hedgehog Cactus I've never seen before.  So far I've been unable to ID it, but I'll keep checking and get back to you.
Becca on the zig-zaggy trail

Lingering humidity forms clouds at the base of the Organs

Across a deep arroyo

Doughnut nest?

Nipple Beehive Cactus (can you believe it?)

ID provided by Wynn Anderson (UTEP Centennial Garden)

Coryphantha macromeris

Becca waits while I catch up

Still waiting

Getting impatient

Cactus Wren

Wren silhouetted against the sky


Scott said...

Let us know if you ID the cactus, Packrat. Given all of your peregrinations, I can't believe you haven't covered every square foot around the mountain by now, so you should have stubbed your big toe on this beautiful cactus before.

I heard on NPR on Friday afternoon (I believe) that portions of New Mexico have been blessed by the monsoon and are no longer experiencing a severe drought. In fact, I believe the report said that some parts of the state are not in drought at all, and that the folks around Albuquerque are reveling in the lush green Rio Grande riparian vegetation.

Dr. K said...

I don't remember ever seeing that kind of cactus, either. All of this rain has been great, but it sure has been humid

packrat said...

Scott: Yes, parts of the state are out of the drought, and we've had a significant dent put in it here. As Dr. K pointed out, it's been incredibly humid of late, and right now (5:09 pm) thunder is rumbling overhead and the dark sky is signalling the potential for more precip.

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...