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Monday, August 3, 2015

Energy Zapper

Starting off in sunny and steamy weather
Yesterday we had another early-evening storm that dropped quite a bit of rain, raising the humidity level yet again.  It felt awful this morning as Becca and I took a hike west of Tortugas Mountain.  This kind of weather just zaps my energy, and I felt disinclined to take a lot of photographs today.  Because Becca has been pretty hot during recent hikes I decided to cut our trek a little short.  Good thing, too, because the slight overcast that had made the temperature bearable at first soon disappeared, replaced by a blazing sun.
Don't needle me, Bro

Seeds of the Rain Lily

View coming off the mountain trail

Shortcut to the outer loop road

Becca in the shadow of Mr. Tacoma's truck

I didn't ID these flowers in the past, and I'm not doing so again today

Heading through an Ocotillo forest on the outer loop road

Across the Chihuahuan Desert to the Organ Mountains


Dr. K said...

These are the dog days of summer (no pun intended)--some of my favorite days of the year, when the desert is most itself.

Scott said...

Packrat: Extraordinarily hot, humid days are just completely enervating. All I want to do is sit in air conditioning and drink lemonade. Our heat wave (going on for nearly a week) should break tomorrow. I'm counting on it. The desert may be "classic" under these conditions, but Dr. K can have it!

packrat said...

You'll have to forgive Dr. K, Scott, she was born under a Saguaro cactus in the Sonoran Desert.

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...