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Monday, August 31, 2015

Dragonfly Flew

Butterfly on flowers in our yard
It was 63 F when Becca and I left for our hike this morning, a pleasantly cooler start for a Monday in summer.  Surprisingly, there were a lot of outdoor enthusiasts on the trails, and we encountered several mountain bikers as well as seeing several others out in the desert.  Can't blame people for wanting to enjoy the natural world during a break in the oppressive heat. We've been way above normal for this time of year.

Just west of the Sunset Area parking lot

Bunny action shot

Into the foothills

Black-tailed Jackrabbit

On the move

Out of the foothills

Old Soaptree Yucca

The face of this dragonfly reminds me of Jeff Goldblum in "The Fly"


Dr. K said...

It always amazes me how thin jackrabbits usually are. I guess they're built for speed.

Scott said...

The butterfly looks like a Yellow Sulfur, but I'm no lepidopteran expert. I love your comment about Jeff Goldbloom and the dragonfly.

In the northern Piedmont, we're in the midst of yet another heat wave--low 90s and high humidity predicted through the end of the week. Autumn can't come quickly enough for me.

packrat said...

Interestingly enough, Scott, we, too, are in the middle of a heat wave. High today will be 96, and the humidity is high. Rain predicted for this week.

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...