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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Another One of These Days

Another misty, humid day in the northern Chihuahuan Desert
The humidity was so thick this morning you could have cut it with a machete.  All during our hike the sky was very threatening, and, in fact, we did get sprinkled upon briefly, but it was a very short spritz.  (I guess spritzes are, by definition, short.)  We had a few encounters with other hikers and mountain bikers, but the mountain was in no sense crowded.  One thing did annoy us (OK--me) during our trek; every once in a while we caught the sound of the band from Centennial High School practicing.  Sound seems to carry further under an overcast sky.
There's an angry god in this photo

Threatening to rain on us

Single-track mind

Organ Mountains under dense clouds

Virga between here and Bishop's Cap

Some clearing


Dr. K said...

Nice blending of the dark clouds and the shadows on the desert.

You'll be hearing a lot more of the Centennial High School band in the next few months.

Scott said...

Interesting comment about the sound on humid days, Packrat. I've mentioned several times in my blog that I conduct a forest breeding bird census during morning rush hour in late spring/early summer each year. My site is about 1 mile from the very heavily trafficked Pennsylvania Turnpike, and I've noticed just the opposite: on cool, clear, low humidity mornings, the turnpike noise almost overwhelms the birdsong (which is critical, because it's virtually impossible to see many birds hidden in the dense foliage and I have to rely on song for 90% of my identifications).

packrat said...

I think it's the overcast sky rather than the humidity that allows sound to travel in the desert, Scott.

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...