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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Eating Crow or Raven

Morning shadows are beginning to grow longer
All during our long (and very hot) hike this morning the Chihuahuan Raven pictured in the last image was cawing like a raving lunatic.  And, no, it wasn't saying "Nevermore."

Whew--is it ever hot in the desert nowadays.  When I took Becca for her afternoon drive I almost felt panicky getting into the car.  It was like a blast furnace--not that I've ever climbed into one--until I started the car, quickly powered down the windows, turned the air conditioner on and took the sun shade out of the front window.
Just west of the mountain

Doing one of her favorite things:  hiking

Ocotillos (Oh-ko-TEA-yos) in the morning sun

Too large to be a crow:  Chihuahuan Raven

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I wonder why that raven was so noisy? Maybe it was just too hot.

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