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Friday, August 7, 2015

Is it "Beep Beep" or "Meep Meep"?

Along Tortugas Mountain's western flank
The short video below is of a male Greater Roadrunner who is contacting his mate while marking territory.  I tried to get as close as possible without scaring the magnificent creature away.  What we did scare away was a small herd of Mule Deer we encountered hiking back into the high foothills of Tortugas Mountain.   Becca and I had to do some brief bushwhacking in order to catch sight of them as they headed west away from us.  I was only able to capture a couple of distant images of them.
A huge Ocotillo (Oh-ko-TEA-yo)

Transparent rabbit ears

An abundance of Prickly "Pears"

A profusion of Senna flowers (more than I've seen in recent years)

Senna flower

Becca on break


Tortugas and the Organ Mountains

Large arroyo west of the Tortoise

What a millipede does when you walk too close to it

Heading back into the foothills

A young Mule Deer buck

Three Mule Deer heading away from us

Something moved in this Torrey Yucca when we walked by

It was this:  a large Collared Lizard

Somebody lost a hat

Roadrunner in an Ocotillo

About six feet off the ground


Scott said...

I'd never expect a roadrunner in a tree, but then again, I'm not a Westerner with much experience, am I?

Dr. K said...

You don't very often see them in trees, but they can get up there. Great photos, Packrat.

packrat said...

Yep, they do perch in trees at times, Scott, often when they're hunting.

packrat said...

Thank you, Dr. K. I especially like the shot of the lost cap.

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...