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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hmmph Day

Getting ready to slalom
Nothing particularly motivated me to take a photograph this morning, but I took some anyway.  The weather was a little cooler in the desert so Becca and I did a long hike west of the Tortoise.  Although there were a few cars in the Sunset Parking lot we saw absolutely no one on our trek.  Temperatures are supposed to drop a bit this week, but the humidity will rise, giving us some decent chances at even more rain.
Wiggle ahead


Out of the shade and into the sun

Surprising how many Ocotillos have dropped their leaves already

Tiny rock that looks like a boot sole

Desert Marigold


Scott said...

I like the Desert Marigold composition; good for you! It's sultry here in the northern Piedmont; I suggested to Kali that we go for a walk last evening after dinner, but we ran out of time and never got to go out. I'm not sure that I regret running out of time; we likely would have come back drenched in sweat even though the temperature was only in the mid-80s.

Dr. K said...

Must be nice to take a solitary hike after seeing so many people on this trail in recent days.

packrat said...

Thank you, Scott.

We're supposed to hit 95F today, and I can already feel the humidity rising a bit. If it's going to be humid I hope we get rain out of it.

packrat said...

Yes, Dr. K, it's always nice to have the desert to ourselves.


Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...