Getting ready to slalom |
Wiggle ahead |
Cottontail |
Out of the shade and into the sun |
Surprising how many Ocotillos have dropped their leaves already |
Tiny rock that looks like a boot sole |
Desert Marigold |
Getting ready to slalom |
Wiggle ahead |
Cottontail |
Out of the shade and into the sun |
Surprising how many Ocotillos have dropped their leaves already |
Tiny rock that looks like a boot sole |
Desert Marigold |
Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me. Best part of toda...
I like the Desert Marigold composition; good for you! It's sultry here in the northern Piedmont; I suggested to Kali that we go for a walk last evening after dinner, but we ran out of time and never got to go out. I'm not sure that I regret running out of time; we likely would have come back drenched in sweat even though the temperature was only in the mid-80s.
Must be nice to take a solitary hike after seeing so many people on this trail in recent days.
Thank you, Scott.
We're supposed to hit 95F today, and I can already feel the humidity rising a bit. If it's going to be humid I hope we get rain out of it.
Yes, Dr. K, it's always nice to have the desert to ourselves.
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