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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Just Beyond the Hump

Acacia wondering:  White Thorn
Becca and I did a long trek west of Tortugas this morning, much of it off the beaten track.  I took a lot of photos and made about seven short videos.  It's a good thing Becca is such a patient dog; any other dog would be looking at its pocket watch signaling that it's time to move along.  I think I saw Jimmy's truck in the Sunset Area parking lot, but we didn't see Jimmy.  We did see JC and Olivia while we were driving home; they were hiking the trail above the earthen dam northeast of the golf course.  I blew the car horn and they waved.
Contrail or something on fire?

West of Tortugas


Long arroyo

Becca and the Organs

Becca and me

Ran across this 1927 boundary marker again

Becca in an arroyo

Just another arroyo shot

West of Tortugas, northwest of the Organs

Possible rodent abode

Jackson Pollock painting or desert weeds?

Something about those three old flower stalks

Becca bushwhacking near a bush

Crazy Chihuahuan Desert sky

Respite in the desert


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the Pollock painting you found in the desert.

Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...