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Monday, January 2, 2017

Snow on the Mountains

The inside of my car windshield this morning
We had quite a rain event yesterday afternoon here in the Las Cruces area, and one result of the precipitation was a light layer of snow on the Organ Mountains this morning.  The Organs always look beautiful even if the layer of white stuff on them is only a dusting.  As you can see from the images here I took far too many photos of the frosted mountains.  My excuse is that I'm still experimenting with my new Canon PowerShot.  Becca and I enjoyed our long trek today even when it felt rather cold in the outback.
Rippled clouds

Two-headed Torrey Yucca

Yuccas and accordion clouds

A look across the Mesilla Valley

Puce Prickly Pear pad perhaps

Watching for other outdoor enthusiasts or . . .

. . . watching for critters

A different two-headed Torrey Yucca

Yesterday's storm produced snow on the Organs

High on the high desert

Five slightly different views of the Organ Mountains

Putting some distance between us and the mountains


A look down at the side of a Barrel Cactus

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful images of the snow-capped mountains and the blue sky. Even the photo of your windshield is striking, Packrat.

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