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Monday, January 16, 2017

Rain Low, Snow High

Weather conditions at the start of our trek on the Sierra Vista Trail
Dr. K, Becca and I headed for higher ground this morning, at first intending to do the Sierra Norte Trail.  But the Organ Mountains were so enshrouded in clouds to the north we decided instead to do the Sierra Vista Trail and head south; at least in that direction we could clearly see Bishop Cap and beyond.  The wind was a great help, though, and by the midway point of our hike had begun to sweep clouds away from the mountains providing spectacular views.  It allowed the sun to shine through, too, and by the end of our trek we were feeling quite toasty.
Posing like a supermodel

Heading down toward Bishop Cap

Entering the wilderness

Some clearing back toward the north

Wind lends promise to the possibility of seeing Organ Mountain peaks

Dr. K a couple of miles out

Dr. K and Becca

Starting to reveal themselves

Jagged peaks

A rugged climb

Winter rain in the low country often means snow in the high

Headed back

A closer look at Becca waiting for us

Mountains all around

Mountain biking the high desert

View from a high-elevation arroyo

When you look up "rugged" in the dictionary this is the image in the margin

Sotol and telephone pole

Snowy dome

Somebody's living the high life

Rough climbing if you go that way

The trek's nearly over, isn't it?

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Several of these photos, especially the ones of the clouds over the mountains, are.amazing, Packrat.

Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...