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Sunday, January 29, 2017

The High High Foothills

Getting started on the Sierra Vista Trail
We decided on a hike in the very high foothills of the Organ Mountains this morning, so Dr. K, Becca and I drove up Soledad Canyon Road to the Sierra Vista Trail and set off south in the direction of El Paso.  We thought it would be much colder than it was, so we enjoyed the warm desert sun as we trekked for forty-five minutes without stopping.  After a quick quaff of water we turned around and headed back.  On the way we met a woman, Grace, and her two Labs (one chocolate, one yellow) named Jake and Rocky.  We stood talking for about ten minutes while the dogs got to know one another, the latter exchanging phone numbers and business cards before we all parted company.
A closer look at Soledad Rocks and the Organ Mountains

Never did see what Becca was staring at

Stand of yuccas

Barrel Cactus clones

Living on the edge

Becca having a good time

Deep, high country arroyo

Path through the grasses

It's a rock, but what does it look like?

My two very favorite hiking companions

Southern reaches of the Organ Mountains

Those jagged peaks are the Florida Mountains near Deming, 61 miles away

Sotol growing in the high desert


Soledad Rocks (left) and the Organ Mountains

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the photo captioned "Peace." We need more peace, and tolerance, and humanity in the world today.

Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...