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Friday, January 13, 2017

Light Playing Tricks

Dove of the desert
We're supposed to hit 67F today, but I'm not sure we'll make it.  It's been overcast all day and, without the sun, a bit chilly.  Becca and I never really felt any sunshine out in the desert this morning, though ole Sol did make a feeble attempt at putting in an appearance several times.  I rather like one of the images I captured of it in its milky form.  Except for a few sparrows the only bird I saw was the dove pictured here.  At the furthest point in the outback we did hear a pack of Coyotes communicating in yips and barks, though we never saw one.  That's a shame because I have yet to get the opportunity to photograph a Trickster with my new camera.
Let's have a closer look

Long way across the Mesilla Valley

Becca knows minutes before me that someone is coming up behind us

Part of Las Cruces, New Mexico

It's a mountain biker closing fast

This is the most sun we got this morning

Hiking under a high overcast

Almost tangerine in the gap

Bishop Cap

Perhaps a little clearing down toward El Paso

Gap between the Organ Mountains (left) and the Franklin Mountains (right)

Crossing the Crosscut Trail

Guess I'm fascinated by that color in the gap

Long-range view

Sunless arroyo

Stayed pretty much like this all morning

Those little white clouds over the mountain

Dreary desert day

Polynesian mask or Moai?

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the tangerine color in the gap--nice contrast with the shades of blue and grey that surround it.

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