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Monday, January 9, 2017

Warming Trend Trek

Down this single-track
January 9th and we're heading for 70 degrees Fahrenheit today.  The warmer temperature made for a very pleasant hike west of Tortugas Mountain for Becca and me.  We did a lot of exploring in the region I call the "outback," bushwhacking through arroyos, over hills and down along valleys.  The images of the jackrabbits I took using full zoom (65X) on the new Canon camera, and I'm pretty pleased with the results seeing as how I snapped them without a monopod or tripod.  
Black-tailed Jackrabbit (a true hare)

Getting ready to move

Scoping out the territory

Break in the shade

Something with which to sweep the desert floor

Tortugas and the Organs

We've come across this Great God of the Yuccas mask before

Long-distance view of the mountains

Probably a dead mesquite

Hedgehog Cactus and a small Barrel Cactus

Critter search between Creosote Bushes

Soaptree Yucca on the bank of a sandy arroyo

Small Mesquite Tree and mechanical contrivance

Rest break in a semi-rocky arroyo

Purple Prickly Pear, leafless Ocotillo and Torrey Yucca

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I think your new camera is working out nicely. The photos of the jackrabbits have such clear details.

Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...