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Monday, January 23, 2017

Police Presence on the Mountain

Torrey Yuccas on Tortugas Mountain's north side
As we approached the Sunset Area this morning I could see red lights strobing on several different law-enforcement vehicles.  As we got nearer I saw quite a few cars stopped halfway up to the parking lot.  A police SUV blocked the entrance, and when I stopped to ask the officer standing outside of it what had happened all he would say was, "No entering at this time, sir."  So Becca and I did an extra-long hike on the south and east sides of Tortugas Mountain.  Just as we were about to drive off after our trek our buddy Jimmy pulled in to ask why we were hiking on the Monte Vista side of the mountain.  While we were talking several different "west side hikers" stopped to ask us if we knew what was happening at the Sunset Area.  A short while later JC and Olivia pulled in to talk.  They had done a hike along the north side of the mountain because the west side was still closed.  In fact, when Becca and I drove by it again on our way home it was still closed.  There was quite a large law-enforcement contingent there as well as a fire truck up in the parking area.  As of now (3 p.m.) I still don't know what happened over there.
Face (left) in a large boulder

Horse Nettle fruit

Why, hello!

Lesser Goldfinch

One in hand is worth . . .

Awfully white breast for a Goldfinch

A White-crowned Sparrow, perhaps

Hey, that's some good flying!

Lesser Goldfinches

Whew--that's a long way down


Trio of Goldfinches

Birds love to perch in these yuccas

Despite rusty color at cap I'm still guessing White-crowned Sparrow

Round house ruins (and Becca)

Wonder Dog of the Desert

You coming?

One view of the trail around Tortugas Mountain

Mounds of Hedgehog Cactus on the mountain

These are Strawberry Hedgehog Cacti

Up we go

Another episode of Wonder Dog of the Desert

South of Tortugas Mountain

Trail heading east toward the Organ Mountains

Another view of the trail around Tortugas Mountain

Rolling desert tableland

Lots of desert between us and the car

Organ Mountains

Why they call it Tortugas "turtle" Mountain

Yo--where'd the snow go?

Had to stop on the way home to photograph the supermodel of clouds

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Such gorgeous photos of the goldfinches, Packrat.

Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...