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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Ugly Storm Creates Beauty

Getting started on the Sierra Vista Norte Trail
Because Dr. K is still in D.C.-- where she participated in the Woman's March yesterday with her two sisters--Becca and I did a Sunday hike on the Sierra Vista Norte Trail.  After yesterday's brutal storm, which gave us a little rain, a bit of snow and a whole lot of wind (gale force with gusts to 70 mph), we were pleased to discover calmer conditions in the high desert this morning.  One result of the ugly storm was the pretty snow cover on the Organ Mountains.  After a long trek the Beckster and I even drove out to Dripping Springs Natural Area to get a closer view of the mountains.
Becca spots something already

Barrel Cacti

Sunlight starting to caress the frosty Organ Mountains

This is what Becca alerted on

Mule Deer

Mule Deer on the move

Stopping to have one last look back

Becca staring in the direction the deer disappeared

How low did the snow go?

Small patch of ice on the trail

Not antlers

One Barrel or . . .

. . .  two?

Deep high-country gully

The stuff brooms are made of

Bear cub gazing at the sky?

I'm not positive, but I believe this is a Canyon Towhee

Canyon Towhee

Same Canyon Towhee

High desert east of the Organs

Cattle drive

Frosty, rugged peaks

The flora grows on the banks of an arroyo that runs out of the mountains

La Cueva Rocks and the Organ Mountains at Dripping Springs

View from the entrance fee pay station

Rugged country in The Land of Enchantment

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Those snow-covered peaks are beautiful, Packrat.

Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...