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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Blossom Bonanza

Just getting started
The temperature was very pleasant this morning for Dr. K, Willow, Frio and me as we did our morning hike.  Due to clouds and sun the lighting was excellent for photos.  I took 90.

We followed our usual route with a few detours, the latter so I could take pics of a Desert Willow in the Tellbrook Arroyo.

All involved in the daily trek enjoyed the natural beauty and the exercise we got while scoping things out.

View from LDR-A

Heading down LDR-A arroyo

Soaptree Yuccas in bloom

Soaptree Yucca flowers

This & next 2:  more Soaptree Yuccas

This & next:  same Desert Willow

Willow, Frio, Dr. K

Twin-leaf Senna

Soaptree Yuccas against a dark background

Even more Soaptrees

Willow and Frio

Little-leaf Sumac berries

How's this for camouflage?  Common Side-blotched Lizard

3 amigos:  White-winged Doves

Tres amigos

Tortugas and the Organ Mountains

Climbing Milkweed


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the photo of the Soaptree Yuccas against the dark background. Amazing how many Yuccas are blooming right now in the desert.

Behind the Cabin

Early early morning in the Sacramentos Strenuous hike behind the cabin this morning.  We were going to head for even higher ground to do a s...