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Monday, May 1, 2023

Hawk Today

Three Kings
Dr. K went shopping this morning so it was Willow, Frio and me on the daily trek.  Wils was a bit feisty at the start because the Basset Hounds and their folks had descended LDR-A not long before we did.  Piles of poop were evident, and a distant sighting of the hikers confirmed it.

Willow calmed down once we entered the LDR-A arroyo, and both the "O"s were well behaved after that.  When I let them off lead at the south end of the middle branch arroyo they dutifully followed me the rest of the way down and then up the right branch.

We took several extended breaks along the way, the longest for me to try taking photos of a distant Swainson's Hawk; no real sharp images as a result.

All things considered we had a good outing today.

This & next:  new yucca stalks

Leaning tower of yucca still hanging on

New Soaptree Yucca flower stalks

This & next:  Swainson's Hawk several hundred yards away

Yucca flower stalk

This & next 2:  computer-enhanced Swainson's Hawk

Frio and Willow

Landscape X

That scene, misty variety

Steep flank of Tortugas

This & next:  Turkey Vulture X

Another new flower stalk

Mormon Tea

Willow and Frio almost napping

Last 2:  Soaptree Yucca flower stalk


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the image of the Mormon Tea.

Nest Building

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