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Friday, May 19, 2023

Hawk, Heelers and Quail Hour

1st 3:  Soaptree Yuccas
It was hotter out there this morning because no clouds blocked the sun and no breeze circulated in the air.  Willow, Frio and I didn't mind the heat too much, though, taking quite a few shade breaks during our hike.

We did the usual trek and our outing was graced by interesting critters of the winged variety.  A Swainson's Hawk was sitting atop the trunk of the Kokopelli yucca, but it was backlit in such a way that I didn't get any good images of it.

On our drive up Tellbrook on our way to the trailhead we spotted the Basset people and their hounds heading down the right side of the road.  As I headed up a rabbit ran from right to left ahead of us, and I slowed down to let it pass.  Unfortunately one of the hounds began chasing the cottontail making it halfway across the road before its man called it back.  There was no danger of me hitting it, but when I drove past the Basset people neither one looked over to acknowledge the dangerous situation.  What a couple of lunkheads.

Gambel's Quail

This & next:  Swainson's Hawk

Artsy yucca bearing fruit

Swainson's flying away

Willow and Frio on break

Prickly Pear and Ocotillo

Prickly Pear buds blossoming

Willow and Frio in yucca shadow

Tortugas and the Organs

Artsy Tortugas and the Organs

Willow and Frio in the right branch arroyo

Last 2:  same House Finch


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like that last photo of the House Finch.

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...