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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Coyote Encounter

A Coyote we encountered just off the trail
After Becca and I had hiked less than half a mile on the trail alongside the arroyo just west of Tortugas Mountain this morning we came upon some fresh Coyote scat just off the path.  I figured it had to be just deposited, but the Coyote who started barking and howling shrilly to our left still startled me.  It was less than thirty yards from us, moving away slowly.  Though it was obviously shying away it wasn't in a hurry, but just kept howling.  A moment later I saw why:  a smaller, younger Coyote was even closer to us, camouflaged by the sagebrush.  Perhaps the bigger one was a mother or older sibling who was warning the small one:  "Stay away from those kinds at all cost."  Eventually they both climbed the mountain high enough to blend into the undergrowth, and no matter how long and hard I stared I could not make them out.
Steadily switchbacking up the mountain

Eventually it blended in so we couldn't see it

Moseying along

Getting to the higher foothills eventually

A few weeks ago these Ocotillos were all greened out

If Becca hadn't spotted this Desert Box Turtle I'd have not seen it

Mr. Turtle didn't seem overly disturbed by our presence

Who wouldn't trust this dog?

Watcher of critters

Eager to get back into higher country

Loggerhead Shrike

I'd bet this Cottontail's fur is soft

Look who's way up ahead on the trail


Dr. K said...

You and Becca saw a lot of wildlife on your hike today. I wish I could have been there with you.

Scott said...

Is the top of that turtle's head green? It's so cool! I had no idea that there were desert box turtles. It's why I keep checking in with you, Packrat--new surprises all the time.

packrat said...

It was green, Scott, and there was some discoloration and flaking of the shell just behind its neck.

Antes del Viento

View of Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo Sunny with little wind when Dr. K, Willow and I set off on our morning hike.  We saw the T...