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Monday, June 21, 2021

Awfully Buggy

Willow and Frio
It was so buggy this morning that I took far fewer photos than normal.  I'm not sure why gnats are so prevalent--they usually swarm after desert rains--but they were all over us for the entire trek today.  The poor Heelers were swishing their ears like never before.

We hiked up to Second Arroyo, made a very brief stop for water, then hurried back in order to reduce the amount time we had to spend warding off the pesky insects.  I'm sure if we'd had a stiff breeze or wind things would have been a lot better, but there wasn't even a whisper of air movement.

Sure hope tomorrow isn't like today vis-a-vis the gnats--or "punkies" as my father used to call them.

Heading back on the long road


Smoke is back

Desert Cottontail

Cottontail standoff

Don't bogart the agua


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

What cute photos of the Desert Cottontails.

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