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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Distant Thunder then Rain

Had to leave out of the Monte Vista area this morning
The weather forecast was for rain today, so we weren't especially surprised that the threat seemed pretty imminent this morning.  By the time Becca and I reached Tortugas, though, it appeared as if we might catch a break, but as we headed around the mountain distant thunder began to rumble through the canyons.  A few lightning strikes over the Organ Mountains convinced me the system was headed our way.  I was not wrong.  Becca and I got rained upon for a good fifteen or twenty minutes.  It let up after that, but it started raining again as soon as we got home, and it's been coming down steadily--but lightly--ever since.
The sky that greeted us

Can you guess what we're headed for?

Thunder was echoing over the Organ Mountains

Becca spots a mountain biker way up ahead

Rain to the southeast

We followed this single-track away from the mountain

Down into a deep gorge

And out of the gorge

By this time Becca and I were quite wet

The rain is letting up

But the sky promises even more


Dr. K said...

It's fun to follow you and Becca on your journeys into the desert.

packrat said...

It's more fun when you're with us, Dr. K.


Antes del Viento

View of Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo Sunny with little wind when Dr. K, Willow and I set off on our morning hike.  We saw the T...