There's a female Pyrrhuloxia right above the red dot |
Rocky east side of the mountain |
Behind the Tortoise |
Kangaroo Rat |
Becca and Dr. K |
There's a female Pyrrhuloxia right above the red dot |
Rocky east side of the mountain |
Behind the Tortoise |
Kangaroo Rat |
Becca and Dr. K |
View of Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo Sunny with little wind when Dr. K, Willow and I set off on our morning hike. We saw the T...
It is pretty amazing that kangaroo rats don't need to drink water at all. What an adaption to your environment.
Nice image of the kangaroo rat. Their tail is so cool!
Thanks, Scott. Yes, those tails are pretty cool--twice the length of the body.
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