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Thursday, September 24, 2015

VPW (Very Pleasant Weather)

Last night's clouds
When Becca and I left the house early this morning the air had a distinct nip to it.  Haven't felt that kind of chill since early spring.  It made for a wonderfully pleasant hike.  We ran into a guy named Raymond, who we see quite often, and he told me that on Monday he had been run down by a woman mountain biker who carelessly failed to avoid him on a section of trail.  Raymond suffered several cuts on his arms.  He showed them to me while mentioning what cuss words he'd use if he ever saw that biker again.
Returning from a bathroom break

Trail down from the high foothills

Becca often spots things I never see

Horned Lizard (look closely to see its horns)

If I stay behind this bush maybe it won't see me

I can't catch a Jackrabbit even if I could sneak up on it

Old Curved Bill (Curve-billed Thrasher)

Serpent print, probably from a rattler


Scott said...

The lead image is dramatic and beautiful. Good job! I'll bet that you're really enjoying the cooler weather there.

My doctor said that my symptoms were very worrisome and needed further attention, but the cause may not have been a heart attack. I have a cardiac stress test scheduled for 8:45 next Thursday (Oct. 1). I'll keep you posted.

packrat said...

Good luck, Scott. If it's any consolation I've had more than a few of those tests.

Yes, the cooler weather is nice. Going to get nicer tomorrow as we head up to the mountains.

Dr. K said...

That's a cute set of photos of Becca looking at the rabbit.

Antes del Viento

View of Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo Sunny with little wind when Dr. K, Willow and I set off on our morning hike.  We saw the T...